
from 5̶0̶0̶€
  • work with low-margin instruments 
  • 5-day training
open account
from 1000€

Easy start

  • Forex trading 
  • Forex analytics 
  • Support with training 
  • Creation of personal development strategy 
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Customized trading conditions
open account


from 10.000€
  • Trading and analysis of Forex, MSE, Commodity market, NYSE 
  • In-depth education + NYSE 
  • Creation of personal development strategy 
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Individual trading conditions 
  • Round the clock consulting Clients 
  • Making transactions by phone
open account


from 100.000€
  • VIP-portfolio (only on the offer of the analyst) 
  • Full market analysis 
  • PRO course with practice 
  • Creation of high-margin strategy 
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Individual trading conditions 
  • 24 hour consulting 
  • Telephone transactions 
  • Model portfolios
  • Opening of professional safe deposit box in a European bank 
  • Assistance in attracting foreign investments
open account


  • Trading and analysis of Forex, MFB, commodities market 
  • In-depth education + NYSE 
  • Creation of personal development strategy 
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Individual trading conditions 
  • 24/5 consulting Clients 
  • Making transactions by phone
from 5000​€
open account


from 3000​€
  • Forex+MFB trading 
  • Forex+MFB analytics 
  • In-depth education + MFB 
  • Creation of personal development strategy 
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Individual trading conditions 
  • 24/5 consulting Clients 
  • Making transactions by phone
open account


from 50.000€
  • Trading Forex, MFB, Commodities, NYSE, Financial Portfolio 
  • Full market analysis 
  • PRO course with practice 
  • Advanced diversification + strategy
  • Legal support 
  • Financial support 
  • Individual trading conditions 
  • 24 hour consultation of clients 
  • Telephone transactions 
  • Model portfolios 
  • Opening of a professional safe-deposit box in a European bank
open account

Can't make up your mind?

Request a call now. Our support team will be happy to explain the benefits of each type of account and help you choose the one that's right for you.